Tuesday 25 September 2007

Joel Givens Session Book - Joshua Jay

Genii doesn't have a review but this post has some background information

The Magic Cafe gave it a thumbs up generally although some didn't like the unusual format

Itricks liked it in this short review (with some spelling mistakes)

My Lovely Assistant was more critical. They didn't like the photos being a few pages away from the descriptions. They also thought it seemed "unfinished". I don't agree on either point. The photos being separate from the description was a very minor irritant for me and I found the "session" format to be refreshing and not "unfinished"

Tuesday 4 September 2007

Why I have started this blog

Whenever I hear about something new in magic I usually spend time online looking for reviews before I buy. I have often thought that my search would be made a lot simpler if someone put links to online reviews in one place so that I could compare them and form a rounded view.

No one has done it for me so I've decided to do it myself!

Come back here often and expect reviews of the latest effects, a summary of the good and bad points and a few thoughts of my own.

If you find a review I've not linked to please let me know.